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Relations between Anxiety and Pain Coping Responses in Chronic Pain Patients


To evaluate whether dimensions of anxiety symptom related to pain affect chronic pain patients' use pain coping strategies. Relations between anxiety responses, as assessed by the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale(PASS), and coping strategies, as assessed by the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ), were examined. Results indicated significant positive correlations of each anxiety symptoms with the CSQ Catastrophizing scale. And results of the regression analysis show that anxiety symptoms combined across cognitive, motoric, and physiological response types explained for significant proportion of variance in all coping strategies except Coping Self-Statement. This investigation of anxiety symptoms to pain and pain coping strategies showed that different types of anxiety responses have differing implications for coping with pain. Possible mechanisms and implications related to clinical settings are discussed.

anxiety, Coping Strategies Questionnaire, Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale, pain coping response, 불안, 통증대처전략질문지, 통증불안증후척도, 통증대처반응
