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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study intends to hypothesize and testify the validity and fitness of cognition-mediated model of adolescent smoking by using AMOS. The number of subjects was 264 high school students(male: 201, female: 63), who were adolescent smokers. The variables of this study were as follows. First variables were the smoking of family and peer, and life unsatisfaction. Second variable was alcohol use behavior. Third variables were psychological variables, composed of depression and novelty seeking. Fourth variable was cognition variable(smoking abstinence efficacy and belief), which was composed of efficacy for smoking abstinence and smoking-related irrational beliefs and expectations. To testify and determine the most valid and economic model, this study hypotheized that the smoking of family and peer, life satisfaction, alcohol use behavior, depression and novelty seeking influence smoking behavior by mediating smoking-related cognition(smoking abstinence efficacy and belief). Model Ⅰ hypotheized full mediation of smoking-related cognition, but Model Ⅱ partial mediation of it. Model Ⅱ was testified more valid and fit than Model Ⅰ by the result of AMOS analysis. In Model Ⅱ, alcohol use behavior and novelty seeking directly infulenced smoking behavior in addition to the mediation effect of smoking-related cognition. Therefore, the smoking-related cognition(smoking abstinence efficacy and belief) was important in counseling and reducing adolescent smoking. Besides it was suggested that if the programs for coping with alcohol use behavior and novelty seeking were included in smoking abstinence program, the efficacy and outcome of smoking abstinence program would be more enhanced.
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