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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to explore the rate, type, and severity of spouse abuse, and the attitude and perception of victimized wives regarding to domestic violence. In addition, we examined the effect of domestic violence on abused partner's functioning and parenting behavior as well as their potentiality of child abuse. Subjects consisted of 721 married women in community and 13 victimized wives referred by police or court. Clinical psychologists who were trained in clinical interview and psycho-diagnostic tests collected data from the subjects using a structured clinical interview and questionnaires. Self-report questionnaires, including Negative Life event Questionnaire, Coping Strategy Questionnaire, CTS-2, Parenting Behavior Inventory and a Scale for Attitude and Perception about domestic violence were used. In community group, wives who have experienced domestic violence were 192(26.6%). Among them, the percentage of physical abuse was 19.1%, verbal abuse 81.6%, emotional abuse 27.9% and sexual abuse 20.9%. Women with abused history in community group perceived their husband's violent behaviors as an expression of concern, and as more changeable than women without abused history. Furthermore, abused women in community group reported that domestic violence could be understandable, while non-abused women reporting it would be absolutely unacceptable. Abused women in community group as well as clinical group were found to have more severe life stress compared to non-abused women. Abused women in community group showed more controlling and consistent attitude toward their children. But, victimized wives in clinical group showed higher potentiality of child abuse due to problems in spousal relationship than abused women in community group. And also they show more physical and emotional abuse as well as neglect to their child.
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