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This study was performed to investigate the relationship among separation experience from parents, attachment to parents, and friendship quality, depression and loneliness of children. Participants were 426 children(mean age=10.3) in the 4th and 5th grade in an elementary school and their parents, including 206 who reported separation experience(SE) and 220 who didn't(NSE). Children reported the levels of perceived attachment to parent, friendship quality, depression and loneliness; parents reported separation experience before 6 age of children. The results were as following; First, there was no difference in depression, and loneliness between SE and NSE groups. But as for friendship quality, children who reported separation experience were likely to have less pleasure in the peer relationships. Second, to verify the general relationship among each variable, a path analysis was performed. It is shown that separation experience from parents which was mediated by attachment on mother and father and friendship quality influenced negative affect(depression and loneliness).
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