open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Seo and Kwon(2005b) have proposed the dual cognitive mediation model of anger in which primary anger-thought and secondary anger-thought mediate sequentially between irrational belief and dysfuntional anger: irrational belief → primary anger-thought → secondary anger-thought → dysfunctional anger. Based on this model, the cognitive-behavior program for anger management which is focused on reducing these cognitive factors was developed. This study examines contingencies between cognitive factors and anger symptoms as well as the effects of the program. The program was conducted to five groups of university students. Data of 37 participants were analyzed. The main results were: 1) Irrational beliefs and primary/secondary anger-thoughts were reduced significantly after the participation in the program. 2) Anger symptoms were reduced significantly after the participation in the program. 3) The changes of cognitive factors were correlated significantly with the changes of anger symptoms. 4) The changes of primary anger-thought and secondary anger-thought mediated sequentially between changes of irrational belief and of dysfunctional anger. These empirical evidences support the validity of the dual cognitive mediation model.
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