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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of self-discrepancy on social anxiety. A model proposed, included the mediator of the self-consciousness and the moderator of the self-presentation-motivation between self-discrepancy and social anxiety. Data from 853 undergraduate students were collected. For assessing self-discrepancy, multi-dimensional self discrepancy scale(MDSDS) was developed. Other scales were: self-consciousness, public self-consciousness sub-scale of Fenigstein's SCS scale, rumination sub -scale of maladaptive self-focued attention scale(MSFAS), social interaction anxiety scale(SIAS), social phobia scale(SPS), and self-presentation-motivation scale(SPMS). Data were analyzed through structural equational modeling. The model hypothesizing partial mediation effect of self-consciousness showed superior fit indices to other alternative models. And the path coefficient from self-discrepancy to self-consciousness indicated significant difference between high and low SPMS' which shows the moderating effect of self presentation motivation. Implications and limitations about theses results were discussed.
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