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Impact of Anger Expression and Negative Urgency on Binge Eating Behavior


This study aimed to examine the mediation effects of negative urgency on the relationship of anger-in and anger-out, which are subtypes of anger expression, with binge eating behavior. Participants were 302 early adults aged 18 to 29 years. They were asked to complete on-line questionnaires, including the Korean version of State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory–IV (STAXIK), Revised Bulimia Test (BULIT-R), and UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale. Data analysis was conducted using correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. Analyses revealed a significant correlation between anger expression and binge eating behavior. Additionally, there was a significant positive correlation among anger-in, binge eating behavior, and negative urgency. The complete mediation effect of negative urgency on the relationship between anger-in and binge eating behavior was significant, and the direct effect of anger expression on binge eating behavior was non-significant. Finally, implication ns and limitations of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

분노표현양식, 폭식행동, 분노-억제, 부정정서 조급성, anger expression, binge eating behavior, negative urgency



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