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Evidence-Based Treatments for Depression in Children and Adolescents


Depression in child and adolescent tends to presage a chronic and recurrent course of illness and impairment in adulthood. Concerns about medication also prompt growing interest in the effects of psychotherapy in child and adolescent depression. The main purpose of this study is to identify evidence-based treatments of child and adolescent depression. For this purpose, we reviewed the clinical features and researches on evidence-based treatments of child and adolescent depression. Based on overseas meta-analysis and systematic reviews, both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) have a “strong/well-established” evidence base, family therapy (FT) has a “modest/probably efficacious” evidence, and psychodynamic therapy (PDT) has a “controversial/experimental” base. Although domestic researches on psychotherapy are limited, several trials had examined the efficacy of CBT or IPT for youth depression. Based on domestic researches, CBT and IPT have a “modest/probably efficacious” evidence base in Korea.

우울증, 아동, 청소년, 근거기반치료, 심리치료 효과성, depression, children, adolescents, evidence-based treatment, psychotherapy effectiveness



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