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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Individuals with internet gaming disorder (IGD) experience significant impairment in daily functioning due to their excessive gaming behaviors. IGD is related to not only a significant amount of time spent on internet gaming but also to internet gaming for mood modification. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of emotion experiences and gaming motivations on internet gaming behaviors in daily life via ecological momentary assessment (EMA). The results showed that the IGD group (n=49) had an increased level of internet gaming usage and higher gaming motivations compared to the control group (n=50). The IGD group experienced higher levels of negative emotions and lower levels of positive emotions. Results from multilevel modeling demonstrated that at the between-individual level, the amount of general negative emotion, depression, anger, irritation, and excitement predicted an increased level of internet gaming usage. At the within-individual level, general negative emotion, tiredness, irritation, and anger positively predicted internet gaming usage, while comfort and calmness showed negative associations. Regarding gaming motivations, both coping motivation and enhancement motivation predicted increased internet gaming usage. In addition, the IGD group showed a significant moderating effect on the relationship between enhancement motivation and internet gaming usage. It was suggested that negative emotion experiences and internet gaming for mood modification could predict gaming behaviors in daily life. Increased enhancement motivation could serve as a risk factor for excessive gaming, particularly for individuals with IGD. Clinical implications were discussed.
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