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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Pre-Interrogation notification of suspect rights refers the provisions on right to refuse to make statement and assistance from attorneys before the interrogation of a suspect. This study investigate the effects of contents and methods of pre-interrogation rights notification on understanding of the suspect’s rights. Study 1 examined the words and concepts in the current notification of suspects rights with 31 college students and found that their understanding was low in terms including “whole statements”, “Assistance from attorneys” ect. Study 2 presented one of six conditions of different content(current notificiation/ reivised notificiation) and methods (oral/written/both) of pre-interrogation notification of suspect rights to 157 participants aged 19 or older and assessed their understanding of suspect rights. The current notification was the rights notification itself used in the investation and interview of suptes in the current legislation. The revised notification added explanations about legal terms of the current Criminal Orocedre Code and rivised them in easier expression based on the findings of Study 1. The results show that participants had a significantly higher understading of suspects rights when provided with the revised notification than the current one. There wrer on siginficant differences in their understadning of suspects rights before interrogations aorcding to the mthods of presenting.
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