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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
For detecting deception research, the Concealed Information Test (CIT) is the most widely used method in conjunction with electroencephalography (EEG). Moreover, mock crime scenarios were commonly adopted for providing materials for lying. Mock crime scenarios have relatively higher ecological validity than other paradigms like autobiographical information or card test. However, current mock crime scenarios also have some limitations because of ethical issues, resource issues, and experimental controllability. Virtual reality (VR) is a potential alternative to overcome the disadvantages. Nonetheless, few studies used VR for mock crime, and there is no research on the comparison between ‘actual’ mock crime and ‘virtual’ mock crime. In the present study, we developed a high-fidelity virtual environment and used it for the virtual mock crime. Participants were randomly assigned both for the Crime status (innocent or guilty) and the Environment mode (actual or VR). After the scenarios, participants were tested by P300-based CIT with EEG recording. To verify the effects of virtual mock crime on subsequent EEG data during CIT, we focused on the P300 event-related component (ERP) and individual classification using the bootstrapping method in the study. As we hypothesized, the main effect of environment mode was not significantly different, and the interaction between stimuli type (target, probe, irrelevant) and environment mode was also not significant when we exclude one outlier. Furthermore, the accuracy of individual classification was equivalent between the actual and the VR. These results were also supported by ROC analysis and equivalence test. All statistical results suggest that there is no significant difference between actual mock crime and virtual mock crime. In conclusion, the study suggests that the virtual mock crime is a potential alternative method for mock crime scenarios.
송인욱, 김혜민, 이경은, 장은희, 김현택 (2018). P300-CIT 부트스트랩 분석 비교. 한국심리학회지: 법, 9(2), 75-99.
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