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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of callous-unemotional traits(CU) on juvenile crime and explore additional effects of parenting and socioeconomic status on juvenile crime. A total of 103 juvenile probationers completed self-report questionnaires at 3 probation offices in Seoul, and a total of 123 high school students completed self-report questionnaires in Seoul and Gyeonggi. The results of this study were as follows. First, juvenile crime group showed higher score in uncaring subscale of CU, lower parent's education and lower economic level than normal group. Second, in both groups, uncaring subscale of CU showed negative correlations with parent’s acceptance and daily monitoring. Third, in logistic regression, uncaring subscale of CU and low economic level significantly predicted juvenile crime group. This study suggests that uncaring characteristic of CU and socioeconomic status are potential factors contributing to juvenile crime.
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