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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Child sexual abuse (CSA), under the age of 13, has increased over the past ten years, but research on the perceptions of perpetrators and victims have mainly focused on sexual violence against adults. Differentiating the age of the perpetrator into child, adolescent, and adult, the present study examined differences in perceptions of perpetrators and victims of child sexual abuse. The study also investigated differences by the gender of respondents, and examined the effects of Sexual Violence Myths (SVM) and Authoritarian Personality on perceptions of child sexual abuse. A total of 210 people in their 20s to 60s evaluated the degree to perpetrator blaming, perpetrator punishment, victim responsibility, and pain of the victim, and responded to the SVM scale and Authoritarian Personality scale. The correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test, and mediation analysis were conducted. The difference in the perception of perpetrator punishment by the age of the perpetrator was significant, indicating that respondents thought that adolescent perpetrators should be more severely punished than child perpetrators. Male respondents compared to female respondents were more likely to attribute the responsibility of sexual assault to the victim, to accept sexual violence myths and to be authoritarian. Sexual Violence Myths mediated the effects of the gender of respondents on the perception of victim responsibility, and Authoritarian Personality moderated these mediation effects. Finally, the limitations and implications of the study were discussed.
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