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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
The Statement evidence is an important method of proof in the criminal investigation and trial. Under certain conditions set by Korean Criminal Procedure Law, paper records of interrogations are admissible in criminal courts. However, it is shown that distortions are ever-present in paper records. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the effect of the investigator’s belief about the veracity of a suspect on distortions of paper records. Ninety police investigators were randomly allocated into one of the three conditions(‘guilty belief’, ‘innocent belief’, ‘neutral belief’), and all the investigators were then asked to document a paper record while watching a prefilmed interrogation interview of the crime. The results showed that (1) the investigator’s belief had significant effects on distortions. (2) All groups did more commissions than omissions. (3) matters subject to interrogation also had significant effects on distortions. In the conclusion, implications and limitations of the study were disscussed.
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