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Effects of Depression on Delinquency -Focused on Longitudinal Changes-


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect and the relationship between depression and delinquency among adolescence. Korea Child and Youth Panel Study(KCYPS) data conducted from 2010 to 2016 by National Youth Policy Institute(NYPI) were used for this study. Data from the year 2012 and 2015 were included in the analysis, which consisted total of 1,960 individuals including 1,000 male and 960 female participants. Participants were to answer 10 questions for their subjective depression, and 14 questions for their past delinquent behavior. Results from the year of 2012 and 2015 were examined, as well as the time-varying changes of depression and delinquent behavior were analyzed. As a result, measured depression level was significantly higher for female adolescents, and delinquency score was higher for male adolescents for both of the period. Depression significantly predicted delinquency, but only for the concurrent period. Past depressive feeling was not able to predict future delinquent behavior. Changes in depression predicted changes in delinquent behavior and the future delinquent behavior.

Depression, Delinquency, Adolescence, KCYPS, NYPI, Longitudinal Changes, Time-varying Changes, Delinquent Behavior, 청소년 비행, 비행의 성차, 비행의 변화, 우울, 우울 변화, 우울 성차, 한국아동․청소년 패널자료(KCYPS)
