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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of physical environment features such as residential setting on the commitment of criminal behavior. In experimental 1, subjects evaluated the perceived criminal allowance within their actual residences and were asked to judge a criminal behavior in a given dilemma situation. The result shows that their judgments positive correlation with the criminal allowance. In experimental 2, residential environment was primed using 4 photographs each condition(well organized / badly organized environment). Subjects were asked to imagine that they lived in the areas in the photos. They decided to what extend the offenses can be allowed to live in the area surrounded with well organized environment, judged that their criminal behavior could be more accepted than those who in the area surrounded with disordered and badly organized one. And males tended to accept their crime more than females. The limitations of the study and suggestions for the further research were discussed.
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