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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Although robbery displays a higher prevalence of involving groups of two or more offenders than other types of violent crimes, there has been little research on differentiating co-offending robberies from lone robberies. To investigate differences among robberies based on the number of offenders involved, we examined 1353 robbery offenses committed in South Korea. Significant differences among robbery offenders across group size were observed with respect to their age, criminal record, occupation, and living status. Additionally, we found notable differences in victim characteristics, including gender, age, victim-offender relationship, and the nature of the victimization. Moreover, differences were noted in offending behaviors, including planning, offense type, method of approach, type of violence, and weapon possession. Furthermore, a number of factors that significantly contributed to predicting the size of the robbery group were identified, including planning, offense type, offender living status, type of violence, and type of victimization. Our study has policy implications for developing early intervention programmes targeting co-offenders and treatment programmes for victims as well as research implications as to how co-offending affects the behaviors of robbery offenders.
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