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The Influence of Advertising Exposure by Visual-area on Explicit & Implicit Memory


Numerous advertisements are in competition to attract consumer. In this environment which surrounds human being, there are more complex and various stimuli. Therefore many advertisements could be disregarded and avoided by people, not useful to purchasing the product. Surely the message of the advertisements will be exposed to the vision of the consumer and affect the memory formation even if people avoid and disregard ads. The purpose of this study used eye-tracker is to investigate the differences in memories that are formed when stimuli are applied on different visual angles. And to find out what influences the familiarity of stimuli applied in different visual areas have on the formation of memories. For the study, 64 university students were presented with stimuli in which familiar and unfamiliar brand. They were exposed in foveal (1°), parafoveal (5°), peripheral (10°) vision, and then the formation of explicit and implicit memories were examined with the visual behavior. The results show that presentation of target stimuli on 1° and 5° is more significantly influential on explicit memory. The results show that main effect of visual angles and visual angle x brand familiarity interaction on explicit memory. Also, the results show that main effect of visual angles and brand familiarity, visual angle x brand familiarity interaction on implicit memory. It suggests that priming can be facilitated without conscious visual attention. This finding is that although consumers did not allocate visual attention to target stimuli like brand or product in ads, they might form implicit memories about target.

implicit memory, explicit memory, eye tracker, word completion task, brand familiarity



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