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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study investigated the effects of construal level about temporal distance on brand extension evaluation in terms of parent-brand concept. Specifically, this study examined that the interaction between temporal distance and brand extension fit are moderated by brand familarity. Prior researches about brand extension mainly have focused on near future in brand extension evaluation. However, the temporal construal theory suggests that one gets different representations in their minds depending on the temporal distance. In other words, construal level theory proposes that temporal distance changes people’'s responses to future events by changing the way people mentally represent those events. Therefore, the researchers predicted consumers would perceive a higher degree of brand extension fit in priming a distant future. The results showed that higher perceptions of brand extension fit and more favorable extension evaluations are caused in the case of priming a distant future on symbolic parent-brand concept. In addition, the results revealed that the interaction between distant future and symbolic parent-brand concept was moderated by parent-brand familarity. Lastly, based on the findings of this study, theoretical contribution and managerial implications are discussed.
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