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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of inferences in the condition of two negative affective states of the same valence(anger/sadness) considering consumer's processing styles. Through this new connection between negative affect and inference, we have tried to expand studies on affect. In the experiment study, we examined differential impact of two discrete negative affect(anger/ sadness) considering consumer's processing styles(combination/cognitive/feeling/passive) on the inference time and the amount of inference. And 160 subjects took part in the experiment study. In the case of inference time, for the high affect intensity subjects(combination/feeling processors) responded faster in the condition of anger than sadness. On the other hand, for subjects who were low on affect intensity(cognitive/passive processors) there were no significant differences between anger and sadness. In the case of the amount of inference, there were significant main effects of negative affect and processing styles. However there was no significant two-way interaction effect between negative affect and processing styles. It seems that feeling processors were influenced by task difficulty because they were low on need for cognition but high on affect intensity. This study finds the difference of inferences in the condition of two negative affects of the same valence. It is meaningful in that it shows the importance of studies on affect beyond valence, not in valence.
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