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Neural network correlation for the effect of humor sensitivity and repetition


In this study, we used an event-related fMRI study. Here we demonstrate that humor repetition and sensitiveness modulate activity in subcortical several cortical regions. In this experiment, Participated in seventeen college students. 20 humorous cartoons were presented in random order for 3 times. These findings offer funny rating increase with activation of NACC. However, funny cartoons were related with deactivation of NACC when cartoons repetition. On the other hand, inferior frontal gyrus and superior frontal gyrus correlated with funny rating when cartoons repetition. These findings suggest that even though behavioral response were the same, it different from psychological and emotional response when humor repetition. When humor cartoons were presented, on the other hand, there were increased with the orbitofrontal cortex/insula hippocampus for sensitiveness person of humor. We evidence that humor repetition and sensitivity inference with unconsciousness humor reponses.

humor, repetition, Nacc, fMRI



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