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The Influence of The Proportion of Performers and Message Framing on Persuasion


The purposes of this study examine the effects of the proportion of performers and message framing on persuasion. In the concrete, when an individual perceived that majority are performing the target behavior, which of framing is more effective and when an individual perceived that minority are performing the target behavior, which of framing is more effective? In order to validate it, We conducted an experiment. In the experiment, we used vaccination behavior as the target behavior in the experiment. In result, we found that when an individual primed with the situation that many undergraduates were performing the target behavior, he/she perceived the value of the target behavior more in loss framing than gain framing because losses loomed larger than gains. On the other hand, when an in dividual primed with the situation that a few of undergraduates were performing the target behavior, he/she perceived the value of the target behavior more in gain framing than loss framing because an individual estimated gains more importantly than losses. And the result of behavioral intention is same as above. Discussion of the results and implications were suggested.

Message framing, Target behavior, The proportion of performers, Advertising effect, Value Perception, Behavioral intention



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