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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Sport media can be regarded as a moderator of communication of sport information. In the current sport media industry where the role of sport media has been gradually and crucially emphasized, curiosity related to sport fan's exploratory behavior in consuming sport information has been regarded as a key factor that influences the way media contents are delivered and organized. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between epistemic curiosity and sport media consumptive behaviors in the light of exploratory behavior of sport media consumers. Curiosity has been defined as a human intrinsic drive that allows an individual to behave exploratively in order to obtain novel and sensory information and experience. Epistemic curiosity, in the multi-dimensional construct of curiosity, is a major factor that motivates consumers to seek, learn, and acquire new information. The authors hypothesized that epistemic curiosity, as an independent variable, would be a significant factor in explaining intentions to watch novel sports, and the relationship between epistemic curiosity and intentions to watch novel sport would be moderated according to the level of sport media consumption. A total of 657 students were recruited from four different university in the US with convenience sampling method. Simultaneous equations and multiple group analysis were performed using Mplus 5.2 in order to investigate the hypotheses. The results showed that epistemic curiosity was a significant variable that explains intentions to watch novel sports, and sport media consumption moderated the relationship between epistemic curiosity and intentions to watch novel sports.
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