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Sonic branding is defined as creation and management of brand value by using sounds. Among various methods of effective sonic branding, sonic logo, brand's acoustic identification element, is usually used in combination with visual logo and is most widely used form of sonic branding. Despite the widespread use of sonic branding in advertising, little academic research has been conducted on its effects. Accordingly, this study examines whether the sonic logos, one of the key elements of sonic branding, and the order of presentation of logos affect consumers' memory and attitudes about the brand. The findings suggest that logo presentation order is an important factor that affects both brand recognition and brand preference. When visual and sonic logos are presented synchronously, brand recognition becomes more accurate and preference for brand gets stronger. While the sonic-visual logos are better recognized and preferred than visual-only logos, there are no significant differences between them. Also discussed are implications and limitations of this study, along with suggestions for future research.
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