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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to find how the sensory cues of stimulus, information processing modes, and need for touch influence on consumer's cognitive response and product evaluation. The hypothesis of experiment 1 is that when one has chance of touching the product, it would produce more cognitive thoughts than when one has no chance, and if one has high NFT(need for touch), one would evaluate positively a product. The results show the significant main effects of both NFT and chance of touching on the amount of cognitive response, and the significant main effects of NFT, chance of touching, and the significant interaction effect between these two factors on the product evaluation. The hypothesis of experiment 2 is that when one receives a haptic cue, one who has high NFT would evaluate more positively the product in the analytic processing. But in the case of low NFT, when one receives a haptic cue, one would evaluate negatively the product regardless of information processing modes. The results show the significant main effect of sensory cues, the significant two-way interaction effect between NFT and sensory cues, and the significant three-way interaction between NFT, sensory cues, and information processing modes on the product evaluation.
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