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Study on Relationship Between Self-Construals, Environment Friendly Psychology and Green Consumer Behavior


Recently interest in the concept of Self-construals as a new trial to explain Green consumer behavior is increasing. But existing studies had been only focused on the measurement of concept of Self-construals or partially studied on relationship between Self-construals and Green consumer behavior. This brought the result where logic did not coincide with empirical. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between Self-construals and Green consumer behavior by approaching causal relation between Self-construals and various variables of Green consumer behavior simultaneously using the model of structututuequation. As the results of the study, independent Self-construals only affected environment friendly psychology and dependent Self-construals did not affect environment friendly psychology and Green consumer behavior, while only metapeendent Self-construals affected both environment friendly psychology and Green consumer behavior. Consumers with independent Self-construals in strong individualistic tendency had an affirmative thoughts ab of environment friendliness while consumers considerate of others with dependent Self-construals in strong collective tendency showed low environment friendly psychology and they practiced Green consumer behavior, which was interesting findings. Finally, when consumer's knowledge about environment friendliness was in high level, environment friendly psychology appeared as a moderating variable strengthening influences on Green consumer behavior.

Self- Construals, Environment Friendly Psychology, Green Consumer Behavior, Consumer's Knowledge



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