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A Study on the Development of Customer Value Scale


This study is aimed at developing a scale of customer value by studying its definitions and concepts of diverse uses. The dimension of customer value divided into value in possession and value in use has been measured and analysed with the data of 491 university students and ordinary people who lives in Daegu. 7 factors of the value in possession and 7 factors of the value in use were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, measurement items are discriminated by confirmatory factor analysis, and validity of the scales are verified. The value in possession were divided into 7 factors, pursuit of discrimination, pursuit of social recognition, pursuit of social desirability, pursuit of happiness, pursuit of achievement, pursuit of pleasure and pursuit of delight. The value in use were divided into 7 factors, pursuit of economic feasibility, pursuit of rationality, pursuit of smartness, pursuit of impression, pursuit of novelty, pursuit of pleasure and pursuit of interest. Discussion analysed of this research in comparison with precedent studies, then suggested the importance and the limit point of it.

customer value, value in possession, value in use



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