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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research is designed to prove the effect of PPL in the advertisement, based on fact that PPL used in the past movies or television programs are widening its ranges to use of plays, music videos, advertisements, and internet. This research proved the effect of placement and appearance of the advertisement, which is the characteristic of advertisement stimulus and effect of PPL for product involvement which is characteristic related to consumers. To prove this research, the lab was tested on 8groups used by2×2×2 factorial design. The lab tested the effect of PPL on interest possibilities of the product, the recall for the brand name and recognition reaction for remembrance reaction, the attitude of the product for the attitude reaction, and reason to purchase for consumer reaction behavior. As the result, high involvement product found out to be more highly meaningful than the low involvement product on possibility of attractiveness recognition reaction, attitude of the product, and reason to purchase. Second, on-set placement had the higher possibilities of attraction, attitude of a product, and reason to purchase intention than the creative placement. Third, for differences based on appearance type showed that when the brand name appeared possibilities of attraction, remembrance reaction, and reason to purchase resulted higher than in between when the brand name did not appear. At last product involvement and appearance type, effect of interaction appeared. Thus, the issue of appearance of brand name has the greater impact on possibility of attraction of the product than product involvement. This research showed the possibilities of PPL effect on various media, related to factors that impact the PPL effect, and suggested that for use of PPL strategy by proving the effect of characteristic of advertisement stimulus and characteristic of consumer.
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