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The Effects of Valence of Information of Online Review on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention -Moderating Effects of Self-regulatory and Brand Awareness-


Due to the Internet’s growing popularity, online reviews is acting increasingly important as a critical factor on evaluating product features. Accordingly, many firms are taking advantage of online consumer review as a new marketing tool. Also, the effects of promotion and prevention motivations are different when positive or negative online reviews are represented. The study was performed to examine how consumer regulatory-focus(prevention vs. promotion) and brand awareness(high vs. low) affects attitude and purchase intention toward products presented with online reviews consisting of either positive or negative information. The results show that promotion-focused consumers have more favorable attitude and higher purchase intention than prevention-focused consumers when positive online reviews are represented, however, prevention-focused consumers have less favorable attitude and lower purchase intention than promotion-focused consumers when negative online reviews are represented. Also, brand awareness has positive effects on attitude and purchase intention toward products’ negative online reviews. Finally, because prevention-focused consumers have high level of loss aversion based on loss aversion, prevention-focused consumers have less favorable attitude and lower purchase intention than promotion-focused consumers when products have negative online reviews and poor brand awareness. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implication are then discussed.

eWOM, Valence of Information, Self-regulatory, Loss Aversion, Brand Awareness



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