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Validation of General Decision Making Styles Scale


The purpose of this paper was to examine and validate of scale for classification of decision making style. In first study that was exploratory study, 242 undergraduates were asked to answer Korean version of general decision making style(GDMS) scale(Scott & Bruce, 1995) and scale of decision making competency(Nam, 2005). Each scale was consisted of Likert 5 points scale. To examine reliability and validity of Korean GDMS scale, data were analyzed by internal consistency, factor analysis, and correlation analysis. The result showed that internal consistency was high, that 5 factors were extracted and that relationships between factors of decision making style with factors of decision making competency scale were high. Also, construct validity, convergent and discriminant validity as well as reliability were accepted as recognized level. In second study that employed covariance structure model analysis as confirmatory study, 215 participants who include various ages were asked to fill out the shortened Korean version of GDMS that consisted of 20 items. Results showed that both reliability and validity of the shortened Korean version of GDMS were high. Though items were reduced, internal consistency was still high and fitness indexes of confirmatory factor analysis model were high. Finally, in addition to limitations of this study, themes and directions of future research were discussed.

General Decision Making Style(GDMS) Scale, Decision Making Style, Decision Making Competency, Shortend GDMS Scale, Validation Study



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