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This study was conducted to investigate how cause-related advertising influences consumer's attitude toward advertising and attitude toward the company. In particular, the study focused on the inter-relationship between the company, cause and consumer. To this end, an online survey technique was employed where consumers evaluated the ads and companies after viewing four types of cause-related advertising. The result showed that ads with high company-cause fit generated more positive attitude toward the ad and the company. Ads with high company-cause fit also resulted in greater changes in attitude toward company between pre-exposure and post-exposure condition. In addition to company-cause fit, consumer’s involvement with the cause and pre-exposure attitude toward the company were found to be influential on attitude toward ad and the company. The positive attitude toward the cause-related ad were considered to be transferred to the favorable attitude toward the company as well. Two-way ANOVA results showed that there are interaction effects among involvement with the cause, pre-exposure attitude toward the company, and the company-cause fit. Especially, 1) the interaction between company-cause fit and involvement with the cause, and 2) the interaction between involvement with the cause and pre-exposure attitude toward the company were playing moderating roles in deciding attitude toward the ad. These findings suggest implications for effective message design strategy and target audience segmentation in cause-related advertising.
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