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There is need of specific study on receiving and participating attitude of online postscript according to consumers’ characteristics because online postscript of purchased and used experience is acting increasingly important as criteria factor on purchase intention. This study analyzes empirically difference among consumers’ types of shopping value on receiving and participating attitude of online postscript after introducing internet shopping value as consumers’ characteristic valuable. First, in case of difference among consumers’ types of shopping value on receiving attitude of online postscript, three types show meaningful difference on degree of reliability and reception. Convenience and information seeking type is the highest and amusement seeking type is the lowest. In addition to, all of three types make most reference to contents of product quality or performance. Second, in case of difference among consumers' types of shopping value on participating attitude of online postscript, three types show meaningful difference on degree of writing one’s own online postscript but don’t show meaningful difference on degree of responding about other consumers’ questions. Convenience and information seeking type is the highest and amusement seeking type is the lowest in only degree of writing one’s own online postscript. In terms of simple percentage of three types about participating purpose, amusement seeking type and convenience and information seeking type are motivated by satisfaction of product or service but economic seeking type is motivated by saved money or discount.
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