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This study examined the wear-in and wear-out of advertising effects according to arousal, presentation of advertising time, and cognitive need caused by repetition advertising and cable television programs. The results of experimental study for verification are as follows: First, for wear-in, there was no significant effect of exposure frequencies. For wear-out, however, it was found that significant effect of strong repetition was higher than that of weak repetition. Second, for both wear-in and wear-out, interaction effect of exposure frequencies and presentation of advertising time left was found. Third, drama which has low broadcast program arousal showed higher wear-in for repetition advertising, while entertainment program which has high arousal showed higher wear-out. Fourth, there was no interaction effect for both wear-in and wear-out of program arousal and advertising exposure frequencies. Fifth, the examination of wear-in of repetition advertising effect for cognitive need showed that the higher cognitive need is, the higher the repetition advertising effect is. But no difference in cognitive need was found for wear-out. These results provide implications for establishing advertising media strategy for cable broadcasting, as well as suggestions for further studies.
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