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A Study on the Effect of On-line Brand Community Characteristics and Self-determination on the Brand Equity


Online activities using the internet are wide spread among the public. The enterprises are trying to maintain their connections with the customers through the brand communities related to their products or services. With the promotion of the brand community activities using the new media being widely promoted, the characteristics of such communities and the tendencies of the users for their self expression are providing a critical direction to the studies related to brands. The purpose of this study is to verify the influence of the online community characteristics (information provision, rewards for the activities, interactivity) and the mental traits of the consumers in accordance with the theory of self determination (autonomy, capability, relationship) through indulgence into the community onto the brand assets. For this study, a survey was conducted to 500 samples in their 20s to perform exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis. The result showed that the characteristics of the community did have influence over the indulgence into the community and the brand assets. Among the influential factors, the interactivity was found to be the strongest, evidencing that it is important to establish the relationship through the brand communities. On the other hand, the sub factors within the self determination other than the capability, that is, the autonomy and relationship, turned out to be of higher influence onto the indulgence into the community and the brand asset. This verified that it is important to consider the autonomous expressions and the internal relation-orientation in the on-line environment, as well.

Brand, On-line Brand Community, Self-determination, Brand Equity



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