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ISSN : 1229-8778
This study is trying to apply construal level theory and hyperopia theory that are widely addressed in recent social psychology and consumer behavior field to elaborated understanding for reward preferences. This research consists of Study 1, Study 2, and Study 3. The experimental design adopts 2×2×2 mixed design of reward types(utilitarian/hedonic rewards: within repeated factor), construal level(high/low: between factor), and hyperopia(high/low: between factor). Further, dependent variable takes reward preferences in order to prove above variables related effects. We found the interaction effect between construal level and types of reward(H 1) through three experiments. Concretely, in preference for utilitarian reward, low-level construal primed subjects showed higher preferences than high-level construal primed subjects while in preference for hedonic reward, high-level construal primed subjects showed higher preferences than low-level construal primed subjects. Also we verified three-way interaction effects between construal level, hyperopia, and types of reward(H 2) through all experiments. Specifically, low-hyperopia subjects showed the same pattern like H1, which menas a significant two-way interaction between construal level and reward type(H 2-1). However, high-hyperopia subjects showed different result which was no interaction effect between them-disappearance of H1 pattern(H 2-2). In summary, this study supports our prediction that the preference toward two types of reward(utilitarian vs. hedonic) could be differed according to the construal level and the hyperopia level. On the basis of these results, theoretical and managerial implications, limitations, and directions for further research were discussed.
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