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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using magazines and SNS ads in multimedia environment to consumer who are exposed to various media environments. In the existing research, it suggested that advertising effect in complex media is greater than in single medium and difference in advertising effect in the situation using multiple types of ads occurs depending on exposure order. Accordingly, this study presents a method according to the exposure order, in SNS-Magazine, Magazine-SNS order. In this study, to increase external validity, natural exposure environment similar to the actual media exposure situation was made and 105 male and female college students are participated in. By using Tablet PC for SNS Media and Magazine consisted of 20 pages like actual magazine, tried to acquire realistic data. The result of the study is that company SNS ad was more effective than the individual SNS advertising regarding recall and recognition. In addition, in the complex media situation, brand attitude and purchase intention have a significant difference depending on the exposure order and the type of SNS ads. In individual SNS advertising, brand attitude and purchase intention was higher in the magazine-SNS order than in SNS-magazine order. In company SNS advertising, brand attitude, purchase intention was higher in the SNS-magazine order than in magazine-SNS order. This study includes practical implications that the synergistic effects by using complex media need to be considered about the exposure order depending on the types of SNS for practitioners who are willing to do ad campaign through SNS in complex media environment as a result of verifying that there is positive advertising effect depending on types of advertising using SNS media and the exposure order in complex media situation.
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