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Is the Power of Emerging SNS Going Out?: The Study of Continuing Usage Model for Social Network Sites


A new media, SNS have shown fast growth in the last few years and increasing its impact throughout our society, and also have revealed various problems throughout our society along with the mature of SNS growth rate. Based on the background, this study proposes a SNS continuing usage model, which is based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model. This model shows the structural relationships among four major functions (expert search, communication and connection, content sharing, and identity) for SNS usage, the perceived usefulness on SNS and the perceived ease of use in SNS, SNS gratifications, a continuing usage intention for SNS, and network factors and SNS self-efficacy, which are social-psychological variables. Considering actual SNS users’ demographic features, this research collected data (n=522) so that generalization of the findings in this study is possible. The findings revealed that three major variables for SNS function perceptions (expert search, communication and connection, identity) except the ‘content sharing’ construct positively affected perceived usefulness in SNS and perceived ease of use in SNS. Perceived usefulness in SNS and perceived ease of use in SNS by these SNS function perceptions directly affect SNS gratifications. Unlike the proposed hypothesis, perceived usefulness in SNS did not affect continuing usage intention for SNS and like the proposed hypothesis, perceived ease of use in SNS affected continuing usage intention for SNS. Interestingly, unlike the proposed hypothesis, network factors and SNS self-efficacy, which are social-psychological variables as an external factor, do not affect either SNS gratifications or continuing usage intention for SNS. This result shows an evidence meaning the network factors through SNS actually does not work. This study also found an effect of SNS self-efficacy on both SNS gratifications and continuing usage intention for SNS, as hypothesized so that it confirmed that SNS self-efficacy is an important internal factor for continuing usage for SNS. This study discusses theoretical meanings and insights within the findings to increase continuing usage intention for SNS, and provides managerial implication directions for strategical, successful utilizations of SNS as a marketing communication tool.

Social Network Services(SNS), Continuing Usage Model for SNS, Network Factor, SNS Self-efficacy



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