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The President Who Korean Consumers Want: The Development of Evaluation Scale for President Candidate


This study regarded the behavior of voters who selected the president and voted in a presidential election as the behavior of consumers who evaluated attributes of a product and who selected brand. Thus, Rating scale for the presidential candidates was developed in order to evaluate the attributes of the presidential candidates. To do this, exploratory research was conducted with the Focus Group Interviews to extract the attributes that are necessary to assess the presidential candidates. The 140 items about the attributes from the results of the group interviews were found by content analysis. Then, I extracted the attributes that are important for the ideal president of South Korean consumers through calculating the criticality of the questions. As a result, 30 items were extracted through factor analysis, there are 6 factors, competency, integrity, perspicacity, leadership, fidelity and people-friendly policy. Thus, distinct items of the factors was identified and this scale was proved to be a verified scale from testing the confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, I discussed meaning and limitations about this study and suggested the directions for the future researches.

President candidate, Evaluation Scale



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