ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this report is to examine the main cause of shopping addiction on the Internet, which we divided it into domains of psychological characteristics, contents characteristics of shopping site, and characteristics of internet usage. We assumed the causal relationship between these factors and addiction can have group differences between extraversion and introversion groups classified by MBTI. The survey was conducted with 314 valid participants ages between 20s and 30s, who had prior exposure to Internet shopping experiences in Seoul and metropolitan area. The univarite analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, multi-regression analysis, and independent sample t-test were conducted by using SPSS 18.0. Results indicate self esteem, self control, and innovativeness in psychological characteristics significantly influence Internet shopping addiction. In contents characteristics, the information faithfulness and customer service insignificantly influence Internet shopping addiction. The flow of Internet shopping is also important signifier highly important indicator for shopping addiction. The research will provide a solid guidelines in provision of on-line business strategy for marketers by deepening the understanding of what triggers consumers’s shopping addiction in on-line.
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