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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study examined the effects of consumers' self-regulatory mode on time scarcity promotion. The design of this research was comprised of 2(self-regulatory mode: assessment mode vs. locomotion mode) × 2(time scarcity message vs. non-scarcity message) between subjects factorial design. The finding revealed that consumers who have assessment mode showed more positive evaluation toward products that used scarcity message than those of non-scarcity message. On the other hand, consumers who have locomotion mode demonstrated no difference of product evaluations across two message conditions. Also we found the mediating role of anticipated regret attributed to no purchase on product evaluations. Finally our research could give the implication that time-scarcity promotion effects may vary depending on the consumer's self-regulatory mode and firms need to develop their scarcity marketing strategy based on regulatory mode.
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