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Psychological Effects of Nature Tourism


This study was performed to identify the psychological effects of nature tourism based on Attention Restoration Theory(Kaplan, 1995) through two sub studies. In study 1, the data of 270 people were collected from internet survey, who had experienced some pleasure travel within the past 6 months. Environmental experience of 5 factors(fascination, being away, extent, compatibility, and self expression/ identification) were compared between nature tourists and the other tourists. As the anticipations, the results showed that nature tourists group had significantly and positively higher scores on all dimensions of experience than others. However, there were not different effect sizes of these environmental experience factors on the perceived stress reduction and subjective happiness between two groups. Study 2 performed a quasi experiment to test the effect of nature tourism on psychological indexes of cognitive and affective states. The data of experimental group was 66 undergraduates who took nature tourism as a group, were compared to the control group of null travelling 20 students during the same period. The results informed that any psychological state had not significant change among three points of measurement which were pre-travel, onsite, and 2 weeks later of travel, except for attentional concentration power scored of seeking for wrong words. The means of wrong words scores has lowered at the onsite point and been recovered at the two weeks later to the level of the pre-travel. Additionally, any factor of the 5 onsite experience as the independents had non-significant effected on the two weeks later scores of psychological states. Instead the 2 weeks later recalled tourism experience had significantly effected on the present psychological states. These results implied that the psychological effects of nature tourism could be varied depending on fatigue of travelling and memory of experience. In conclusion, implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

nature tourism, psychological effects of tourism, Attention restoration theory, environmental experience of tourism



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