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The Influence of Competitive-Cooperative Context on Dissimilar Extension Evaluation: The Role of Self-Construal


In social activities, competition and cooperation are as a driver to advance the society in general. Based on that, the current research extended these two factors to marketing context and explored the influence of these two factors on dissimilar extension evaluation. Experiment 1 examined the influence of competitive and cooperative contexts on dissimilar extension by priming competition and cooperation. As a result, the extension was evaluated more favorably in cooperative context than in competitive context. Experiment 2 examined the role of self-construal in competitive and cooperative context. in competition context, the extension was evaluated more favorably in low competitive condition than in high competitive condition in independent self-construal. However, in cooperation context, the extension was evaluated more favorably in high cooperative condition than in low cooperative condition in interdependent self-construal. Based on the current research, the resulted can be utilized to induce favorable evaluations of dissimilar extension.

competition, cooperation, brand extension, independent self-construal, interdependent self-construal



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