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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The study sets a structural model for measuring consumers' negative emotions and behavioral responses caused by infringement on personal information and also verifies the moderating effect of (a) the information load of infringement on personal information and (b) the usefulness and awareness of the personal information managers. The study examines displeasure, arousal, and helplessness as negative emotions of consumers, based on PAD emotion scale. Additionally, approach(exiting, voicing) and avoidance(neglecting, retaining) are analyzed as negative behavioral responses based on EVLN response scale. Perceived risk from infringement on personal information was found to generate negative emotions; thus, negative emotions affected negative behavioral responses. Displeasure positively influenced approach and negatively influenced avoidance. Arousal positively affected approach and helplessness positively influenced avoidance. Among the negative emotions, arousal was not only the most positively affected by perceived risk from infringement on personal information but the most positively affected approach as well. Contrary to other negative emotions, helplessness positively influenced avoidance, and information load of infringement on personal information significantly moderated the relationship between helplessness and avoidance. The moderating effect of information load of infringement on personal information was partly accepted, while the effect of the usefulness and awareness of personal information managers was mostly rejected. This study has enhanced the usefulness of the S-O-R model by extending the model, through use of the PAD emotion scale and EVLN response scale, to cover negative emotions and behavioral responses caused by infringement on personal information. Moreover, the study proposes strategies for personal information managers to use when counselling customers, as well as useful implications for government agencies and consumer protections agencies to protect consumers' rights and benefits.
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