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he Study for Effects of Mindfulness Consumption in Dysfunctional Consumption Behavior


To examine the conceptual usefulness of the mindfulness consumption, we analysed correlations of the mindfulness consumption with mindfulness and compared relative powers of the mindfulness consumption and those variables such as impulsivity, materialism values, self-regulation, and self-controllability to predict impulsive and addictive buying behavior. Results showed that the mindfulness consumption and the mindfulness are distinct each other and that the mindfulness consumption has had negative correlations with both the impulsive buying and the addictive buying. Regression analysis revealed that the mindfulness had the biggest predictive power on the impulsive and addictive buying compare to impulsivity, materialism values, self-regulation, and self-controllability and showed significant additional contributions to predict impusive buying(17%) and addictive buying(20%) when excluding the effects of those 4 antecedents. Further analysis showed that impulsivity, materialism value, and emotional control ability play a role as mediator between the mindfulness consumption and the impulsive buying, but those variables did not mediate the effect of the mindfulness consumption on addictive buying. These results interpreted as the process of the effects of mindfulness consumption on dysfuctional consumption behaviors could be different according to the types of buying behavior.

Mindfulness consumption, mindfulness, impulse buying, buying addiction, problem consumption behavior, Dysfunctional consumption behavior



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