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Online banner ads for a political party: The role of online banner ad exposure locations and voter’s age groups


As the time spent on the Internet increases, while people search information on the Internet they are accidently exposed to political information which are provided by political parties. This even applies to voters who are indifferent about politics. To investigate such phenomenon, this study examined how (a) the exposure locations (the left side vs. the right side of primarily-attended news article) of an online banner ad for a political party and (b) age groups (males and females in their 20’s vs. 40’s) would have an independent or an interactive effect on voters’ explicit and implicit attitude toward the party. The study was a 2 (ad exposure locations: left-adjacent vs. right-adjacent online banner ad for a political party) X 2 (age groups: 20’s vs. 40’s) between-participants design. An online Internet searching task, self-reported measures and Implicit Association Test was conducted in the experiment. As a result, the exposure locations of the online banner ad for a party and the age groups did not have an independent or an interactive effect on the implicit and explicit attitude toward the party. However, an interaction between the exposure locations of the online banner ad and the age groups on the implicit attitude was found. Compare to other experimental groups, the participants who are in their 20’s showed highest implicit attitude toward the party when the online banner ad was placed on the left side of the primarily-attended news article. Interestingly, they did not recognized the existence of the political party’s online banner ad during reading the news article.

political communication, online banner ad, implicit attitude, preattentive processing



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