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The Strategic Use of Message Framing to Promote a Climate Change Mitigation Campaign: the Moderating Role of Issue Involvement


limate change mitigation actions are undertaken to minimize the potential negative consequences of future climate change. In this regard, climate change mitigation efforts can be compared to prevention behavior in health behavior research, which is taken to mainly prevent the onset of disease. Based on the similarity, this study seeks to examine how transferable extant research findings on message framing from heath behavior research are to the climate change case. In addition, this study attempts to specify some boundary conditions for the influence of message framing in climate change mitigation-related campaigns, by proposing and testing issue involvement as a moderator. A 2(message framing: gain vs. loss) x 2(issue involvement: high vs. low) between-subject factorial design was conducted to test the hypotheses of this study. The results revealed that gain framing led to higher levels of perceived issue seriousness and more favorable attitudes toward climate change mitigation campaigns only for the participants in the high involvement condition. For the participants in the low involvement condition, no framing effect was observed.

Message Framing, Issue Involvement, Climate Change Mitigation Campaign



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