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Roles of Brand Reputation, Product Information and Discount Rate in Mobile Advertisement


With the recent increase in smartphone usage, more information on the business or product tends to be distributed through mobile advertisements, in addition to the existing 4 media (TV, radio, magazines, newspapers). Therefore, this study is to find out the effects of brand reputation and product information in mobile advertisements on consumer attitude, and the regulation effect of discount rate when information on discounts is supplied by mobile. Therefore, in order to verify the effects of brand reputation (high/low) and product information (exists/does not exist) on the brand attitude and product attitude, and furthermore verify regulation effect of discount rate (high/low), 2x2x2 experimental design was used to empirically analyze them. As a result, higher brand reputation affected positively on consumers’ brand attitude and product attitude, and the existence of product information had a favorable effect on product attitude. Also, in terms of the effects of brand reputation on brand attitude and product attitude, the regulation effect of discount rate was significant, but it was not significant on the effects of product information on brand attitude and product attitude. Companies with higher brand reputation should attract new customers through mobile promotional activities and provide 1:1 personalized information for existing customers to enhance their brand reputation and customer loyalty. Rather than releasing mobile advertisements without product information, it is more effective to include specific product information. Also, higher discount rate and frequent advertisements for sale may bring an adverse effect for companies with lower brand reputation, so these should be refrained.

Brand Reputation, Product Information, Discount Rate, Brand Attitude, Product Attitude



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