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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
As uncertainty of the market is increasing, corporate trust becomes the center of attention. This study aimed to examine the level of corporate trust of the three major companies in Korea (i.e., Samsung, Hyundai and SK). This study also investigated the relative impacts of the three components of the trustworthiness (i.e., integrity, competence, benevolence) on the overall trust of the companies. Furthermore, to find out the role of the mass media in a formation of trust, the changes of the level of trust after reading a manipulated article were investigated. The result of the research showed that trust in Samsung was the highest and trusts in Hyundai and SK were not varied. In case of trustworthiness, the level of competence and benevolence were differed depending on the companies. However, the levels of integrity were equally low among the three companies, although integrity holds great influence on overall trust among 3 factors of trustworthiness. Regarding the impact of media, the results showed that negative articles had greater impact on overall trust and trustworthiness than positive articles and respondents' trust had been only increased after reading the article related positive integrity. Further, the level of respondents' trust and trustworthiness had been decreased after reading all negative articles, but the range of trust dropped off was the least when reading an article related to negative competence. Finally, after reading positive articles, trust of SK and Hyundai were increased. However, trust of Samsung was not increased.
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