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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study examined the response of consumers, which possess uniquely formed socio-psychological appeals in the Korean society's cultural environment, towards the advertising creative with the same socio-psychological appeals. In addition, it aimed to examine consumers' response towards the advertising creative with socio-psychological appeals according to the collectivism traits of individuals. The study results revealed that consumers with high socio-psychological traits than consumers with low socio-psychological traits showed higher consumers' response towards advertisements with the same socio-psychological appeals. In specific, consumers with high chemyeon(social face) traits showed higher consumers' response towards advertisements with chemyeon appeals than consumers with low chemyeon traits, and consumers with high uiri(interpersonal morality) traits showed higher consumers' response towards advertisements with uiri appeals than consumers with low uiri traits. In the same way, consumers with high woori(weness) traits showed higher consumers' response towards advertisements with woori appeals than consumers with low woori traits. Unlike prediction that consumers’ collectivism trait will affect consumers’ response towards the advertising creative with socio-psychological appeals, however, collectivism trait turned out to have no significant effect on consumers’ response towards the advertising creative with socio-psychological appeals. Increase in individualistic consciousness in Korean culture after 1990s is considered one of the reasons for the foregoing result. In other words, it is considered that increase in individualistic consciousness has weakened consumers‘ collectivism trait, which resulted in less influence on consumers’ response towards the advertising creative with socio-psychological appeals. In regards to the implications of this study, its significance can be found in that it applied Korean style social psychology in the area of advertising psychological that has been studied focusing on Western psychology, as well as the fact that it verified the usefulness of the consumer trait of Korean people's socio-psychological traits in a study on advertising creative effect upon applying socio-psychological traits in advertising creative through experimental study.
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