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The Influences of Consumer Characteristics, Perceived Quality and Korean Wave on Purchase Intention of Korean Cosmetics: A Comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese consumers


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of consumer characteristics, perceived quality and Korean wave on purchase intention toward Korean cosmetics. Our data were collected from 450 consumers older than 20 years of age and who live in China and Vietnam. For the analysis, SPSS 20.0 was used to conduct frequency analysis and regression analysis, and Amos 21.0 was used to conduct CFA. The results showed that ethnocentrism was negatively related to purchase intention toward Korean cosmetics, but materialism, perceived quality and Korean wave were positively related to purchase intention toward Korean cosmetics in both China and Vietnam. As for Chinese consumers, ethnocentrism and perceived quality had a significant impact on purchase intention toward Korean cosmetics while value consciousness, materialism, perceived quality and Korean wave had a significant impact on purchase intention toward Korean cosmetics in Vietnam. The results suggest that firms can develop effective marketing strategies emphasizing perceived quality to enhance export performances and help them understand consumer characteristics among different countries.

Value consciousness, Ethnocentrism, Materialism, Perceived quality, Korean wave, Purchase intention



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